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Electrical Insulation Breakdown

What percentage of electric motor failures do you think are caused by electrical insulation breakdown?


Home / Electrical Insulation Breakdown

Electrical Insulation Breakdown



Home / Electrical Insulation Breakdown

Electrical Insulation Breakdown

What percentage of electric motor failures do you think are caused by electrical insulation breakdown?


Up to 30% of electric motor failures result from electrical insulation breakdown, making it one of the most common causes of motor failure.

While predictive maintenance techniques such as vibration analysis are often used to analyse the motor health, in comparison little is done to detect signs of insulation deterioration and failure. The impact of insulation breakdown can be severe, but detecting it early enough means maintenance can be scheduled and unplanned downtime prevented.

How can static motor testing help?

Carried out in our workshop or on site, dielectric tests are designed to assess the condition of a motor’s windings, diagnose and predict any early signs of deterioration and aging. This means you can catch warning signs early on and schedule repairs ahead of serious failure.

Carried out regularly as part of a planned preventative maintenance program, you can be proactive with your maintenance schedule and prevent unplanned downtime.

Click below to learn more:

  • What do we mean when we talk about insulation failure?
  • How can it be detected and monitored?
  • How is dielectric testing carried out on site?
  • What is Partial Discharge and why is it important to understand?

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