There is no company in the world which has successfully rewound and improved the life cycle of an Enercon E44 wind turbine generator. Our proprietary processes allow for optimal efficiency, in what was to be a very complex rewind. The turbine was inspected and safely dismantled to be transported to our facility in the UK for thorough analysis. Our facility is designed for large electro mechanical assets with a 13 metre working height, in-built cranage, capable of holding up to 40-tonnes.
The main shaft and bearing assembly were dismantled and tested. For the Rotor Pole and Stator, we utilised our long proven, innovative insulation system, which allows for maximum environmental protection, therefore ensuring the longest possible in service life cycle. All 3 blade pitch motors were replaced with new units and the blades were removed, overhauled and repaired. All electronic and ancillary components were tested and replaced. We used over 50 miles (75 km) of continuously wound enameled copper wire.
The hub and generator were tested before shipping back to the customer and reinstalling. To assess the quality of the insulation, we employed static testing with specific focus on measuring the resistance within the copper wiring. When we were satisfied that the repair met with our industry leading standards, the generator was shipped back to the Faroe Islands. The energy supplier received a turbine that was as good as new, 12-18 months faster than an OEM could achieve and at less than half the price.