Home / IPS Newcastle (Previously Houghton International) achieves Better Health At Work Silver Award

Houghton International achieves Better Health At Work Silver Award

Home / IPS Newcastle (Previously Houghton International) achieves Better Health At Work Silver Award

Houghton International achieves Better Health At Work Silver Award


Houghton International has successfully secured the Better Health At Work Silver award in recognition of their ‘outstanding’ effort to support health and wellbeing in the workplace.

The award is judged against an extensive list of criteria relating to mental health, physical health, workplace wellbeing and more. Organisations are required to deliver a series of initiatives and campaigns relating to the criteria, then create and present an award portfolio showcasing how they meet this.

Health Advocates at Houghton International were praised for delivering a series of ‘creative’ and ‘innovative’ campaigns across a range of channels designed to support the wellbeing of employees. Staff participated in a two-week walking competition, sampled alcohol-free alternatives and received a health assessment from a professional healthcare provider. A Health and Wellbeing room was also established to provide employees with a quiet space away from work and provide relevant signposting for health and wellbeing resources.

Louise Costello, HR Manager at Houghton International commented: “After completing the Bronze award in 2020, we are more than thrilled to have achieved the Silver award so soon. It’s been great to see our employees become actively involved in our campaigns especially after what has been a difficult time for everyone.

“The scheme itself isn’t just a tick box exercise; it provides structure and guidance to our practices to ensure we are covering a wide range of health and wellbeing issues. We are now working towards the Gold Award and plan to build on what we have achieved so far.”

Houghton International places people at its centre offering a range of staff benefits to support the wellbeing of employees.

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