Our Overall Customer Satisfaction Survey Score for 2022/23:

How our customers rated us:
Our mission is to be the best in the world at what we do, and it is you, our customers, who are the judge of our progress towards that goal. We take your feedback incredibly seriously and use it to drive improvements across our business every month, while also providing essential feedback to all our operational, sales, finance and customer service teams about how they are doing.
Every customer comment is shared with the board and leadership teams each month, with actions taken to drive continuous improvement across all aspects of our business. More than anything, we thank everyone who has taken time out of their day to provide us with this uniquely important insight into how our performance supports you, our customers, each day.
I’m always delighted to read about how named individuals have gone above and beyond customers’ expectations, so please note that any praise you give is always recognised by the directors and the individual’s manager.
We look forward to continuing to receive your feedback over the course of the year, and our teams will be in touch to facilitate this. However, you don’t have to wait until we ask you to give us your thoughts. Speak to your sales contact at any time or get in touch with Michael Mitten, CEO, on +44 (0)191 234 3000 or michael.mitten@www.houghton-international.com.